مؤسسة المصريين
Egyptian Foundation (EF) is a non-profit, non-political organisation established on 2018 by Egyptians who volunteer to support fellow Egyptians in the UK during their hard times. Our support can extend to Egypt when Zakat exceeded the eligible cases in the UK
EF is not affiliated with any governmental or non-governmental entity anywhere and that we are a group of Egyptians with prestigious jobs and professions and who love public work working within a legal framework under the umbrella of the laws of the United Kingdom
يتم تشغيل إي أف من قبل مجلس أمناء المتطوعين الذين أسسوا إي أف ووضعوا رؤية إي أف. ثم تطوعوا لتشغيل وصيانة إي أف حتى تشكيل مجلس الإدارة.
في حالة ظهور حالة ، ستدرسها لجنة من 3 أعضاء من المجلس الاستشاري ، تليها قرار من مجلس الإدارة. إذا كان هناك أكثر من حالة ، فسيتم تحديد أولوياتها بناءً على الضرورة الملحة والحاجة.
EF uses donation to resolve cases in need in addition to offer any other non-financial, legal and social support.
لذلك نطلب منكم جميعاً الاستمرار في دعمكم لصندوق التبرعات وصندوق الزكاة والمساهمة في اللجان الاستشارية

Examples of some cases supported by EF:
- Help Egyptian fellows to stay with their families after exposure to removal from the country due to the conditions of residence.
- Paying off the debts/arears of some Egyptians in the UK, stopping their expulsion from their homes, and restoring stability to them and their families
- Sending some amounts of Zakat to Egypt to reach, through trustworthy individuals, to the hands of certain families to help them with food, clothing and living expenses
- Paying the expenses of treating some Egyptians in the UK because they aren’t eligible to free treatment
- Covering the procedures and expenses of washing, funeral and burial within the UK
- Transferring the deceased bodies of some dear Egyptians to the homeland
- Distributing meat of Al-Udhiya to needy families in the UK
- Support the families of the deceased Egyptians financially and morally standing by them and helping them reach the stage of stability
هذا بالإضافة إلى المساهمة في حل المشكلات القانونية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية بين المصريين بمساعدة أعضاء اللجان الاستشارية
All funds reach their beneficiaries after extensive studies of cases and taking legal/religious advice when needed.
We also affirm that our goal is to help all Egyptians regardless their background.
EF wouldn’t be able to continue without your donations, Zakat and Sadaqa.
EF also needs your support through volunteering in advisory board to investigate the cases and help us taking appropriate decisions for each case.
Without you, Egyptians Foundation would not have continued to support all Egyptians in the United Kingdom and its extension to support our people at home
عضوية EF متاحة لأي زميل مصري على النحو التالي:
o المتبرعون عن طريق التبرع بانتظام أو لمرة واحدة
o دافعو الزكاة عن طريق دفع الزكاة من خلال EF.
المدفوعات يمكن أن يتم عن طريق أمر دائم ، حوالة مصرفية أو دفعت من دون وصفة طبية في البنك من قبل العضو.
o تفاصيل حساب البنك المجتمعي (EF-Donation أو EF-Zakat) هي
For donations:
Account name: Egyptians Foundation
Bank: Barclays
Account Type: Business/Community
Account number: 70165395
Sort code: 20-55-41
For zakat:
Account name: Egyptians Foundation
Bank: Barclays
Account Type: Business/Community
Account number: 00518697
Sort code: 20-55-41