Documents Legalisation

To get your document legalised

Steps for legalization of documents to be used in Egypt:

  1. Check if your documents are exempted from stamping by a solicitor such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, court documents, etc
  2. Get your document certified as true copy of original by registered solicitor
  3. Send your document to FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) for legalization

    The Legalisation Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office P.O. Box 6255. MILTON KEYNES MK10 1XX United Kingdom

  4. Send your stamped legalized document to General Consulate of Egypt in London including self-stamped envelope and postal orders with exact fees to be returned to your address

    Egyptian Consulate General Legalisation Department 2 Lowndes St, Belgravia, London SW1X 9ET, UK

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